We left our house at 6.20am on 18th March and got to our hotel at 10pm on the 18th March (3am 19th March our time) so a VERY long day! 😴😴
The Body clocks are all over the place and today we have two sick little boys but resting and in good form.
Dylan is exhausted.... So much so that our GP referred him to hospital due to possible seizure activity which was more than likely caused by infection and exhaustion, Dylan has been really sick for the last 13 months on and off but in the last few weeks he seemed to be bouncing back and was doing great work in physio and didn't want to use his wheelchair at all.... But as always cerebral palsy is unpredictable and slaps you in the face when you're least expecting it, we'll just have to take it easy on Dylan in physio over the next week and as always Dylan will probably surprise us when we're least expecting it!! 😊
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