Dylan is now almost 9 months post SDR and about 8.5 months post PERCS.
Dylan still needs slight support for balance when he stands, but I've lost count how long he can stand for, he can even pull himself up to stand at the side of the couch and maintain his balance for a bit using the couch 😃
Dylan can still roll, bunny hop and can now sit on the floor with his legs out straight in front of him (harder than you might think!) not only this but he can transition in and out of all of these positions himself.
Dylan is now pretty much toilet trained and has OVER 80 WORDS!!
While in St Louis, Dylan got a posterior Kaye walker and just hated it, he finds it difficult to use and because Dylan's hands are quite badly affected by his CP it's hard for him to grip the handles and pull it behind him. It took sometime but eventually he would use it every now and then and could use it as long as we held his hands in position on the handles.
Dylan much prefers the anterior gait trainer and a couple of months after SDR we were able to remove the chest support, which was a massive step for him and thankfully he's been flying around in the yard in school this week being in the thick of it all with his classmates (who are wonderfully supportive of him, couldn't have wished for a better group of boys for him to be in school with! 😃)
Sometimes it's hard to see just how far he's come until you step back and literally do a list like above or sometimes it's like Dylan senses it and does something unbelievable, like he did tonight..... Tonight just before bed Dylan took 10 independent steps in his KAYE walker, yes that posterior walker that he hates and finds so so hard!! No help from me and no support for buckling legs! Just Dylan and a walker for 10 WHOLE STEPS! 😃 Couldn't be prouder! 😊